Louise Aquatic Centre

What you need to know about the new Louise Aquatic Centre!
- Approximate cost of $2.7 million
- 4,726 square feet in size with a 260 person bather load
- Location: 7 Brown Street, Pilot Mound (same location as current pool)
What will the pool include?
- Zero-depth beach entry to make the pool accessible to everyone
- 4-lane Junior Olympic Lap Pool
- 3 water slides (Tot fishy slide, twister slide & double speed slide)
- Diving board
- Various spray features
- Lazy river
- Brand new pool building/change house area
- Attached, separate entrance for campground washrooms/showers
- Begin demolition August 15, 2023
- Begin construction Fall 2023, then break for winter months
- Resume building pool in Spring 2024
Where will the funding come from:
- Corporate grants
- Community investment grants
- Sponsorships
- Local businesses
- Community donations
- Tax dollars
- Fundraising events
Sponsorship Levels:
- Clamshell: $500 to $999
- Starfish: $1,000 to $4,999
- Sea turtle: $5,000 to $9,999
- Stingray: $10,000 to $24,999
- Hammerhead shark: $25,000 to $99,999
- Blue whale: $100,000 and up
Want to donate to the pool construction? Here's how:
- Cash or cheque accepted at any time!
- Municipality of Louise Office (26 South Railway Ave. East, Crystal City)
- Louise Recreation Office (125 Broadway Ave. West, Pilot Mound)
- Please make cheques payable to Municipality of Louise and use the memo: pool construction
- Charitable tax receipts will be issued to the payee name on the cheque
Your Support Matters!
- Keep families in our community, supporting our community!
- Improved safety, accessibility and longevity of summer recreation in our Municipality
- Continued availability of summer employment for our youth and young adults
- A new pool will increase our tourism numbers, which directly correlates in greater community revenue in all sectors
New Pool Committee Members:
- Kelsey McLaren
- John Darracott
- Hayley McKay
- Diane Darracott
- Susan Peterson
Swimming Pool Board:
- John Darracott (Chair)
- Hayley McKay (Vice Chair)
- Ruth Loney
- Jamie Smith
- Kim Standeven
- Colleen Henderson
- Jenny Boucher
- Kyle McCannell
Photo of the new pool design: