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Pilot Mound

Pilot Mound Sign
 Pilot Mound is an unincorporated community recognized as a local urban district that also once held town status in the province of Manitoba. It is located within the Municipality of Louise approximately 60km west of the City of Morden. Pilot Mound has a population of about 700 people. The rolling landscape and nearby lakes provide excellent hunting and fishing, as well as summer and winter recreation for snowmobile, ATV, water-skiing, snow-skiing, boating, and cross-country skiing. Water is supplied from the Glenora aquifer through pipeline to Pilot Mound with a reverse osmosis membrane unit, making this some of the best drinking water in southern Manitoba. Moundfest is an annual festival that brings in people from all over the province for the slow pitch tournament, beer gardens and live music. Pilot Mound also hosts an annual curling bonspiel, bi-annual community auction, triathlon and more. The town has a first-class arena complex with ice surface, curling facility, daycare, movie theatre, museum, indoor batting cage and a hockey academy. Pilot Mound also has an art center, library, community hall, grocery stores, swimming pool, care home, apartments, public health, hardware stores, gas stations, hotel, restaurants, pharmacy, bakery, funeral home, tire shop, school, insurance office, post office, campground and more. 

The residents' pride in their community will impress you. Summer yards are well cared for and you cannot help but notice the fragrantly beautiful flower boxes scattered throughout the business section.

You can enjoy an evening's entertainment at a Coffee House or enjoy a movie at the local Tivolli theatre. You can cheer on the local teams at a Senior Pilot's Hockey or Baseball game. Or simply sit outside in your backyard enjoying a bonfire on a warm summer's eve.

The people who live here love living here and wonder why anyone would want to live anywhere else.

website: Pilot Mound

Address: Box 310
26 South Railway Ave. E., Crystal City, MB
Phone: 204-873-2591
Fax: 204-873-2459
Email: fina@louisemb.com
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.
Contact: Alicia Buydens Chief Administrative Officer

Office Staff:
Alicia Buydens - Chief Administrative Officer
Jenny Boucher- Assistant Chief Administrative Officer
Penny Burton- Finance Officer
Abbey Bridges- Administration
Kelly Young- Public Works Manager
Lovell Stone - Public Works Foreman
Keith Klassen - Water Treatment Plant Supervisor
Nevin Checkley- Water Treatment Plant Operator

Pilot Mound LUD Members
John Darracott
Kelly Burns
Gail Maxwell

Garbage PickUp: Tuesday; begins at 8 am

Recycling Pick Up: Wednesday; begins at 8 am
Compostable Yard Refuse: Friday (May-October); begins 8 am